The Legacy Campaign is a 36-month growth plan designed to build your faith and invest in the future of our church.



Faith is like a muscle, when exercised it grows stronger, but when dormant it diminishes. For the last twenty years, every fall we have run a focused season of spiritual growth, challenging our church family to strengthen their faith and stretch their vision. Our prayer is that during this special time in the life of our church family, you will make a commitment to grow.

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.”
(Philippians 3:13, NIV)

  • Catch all 7 weeks of the Legacy messages! 
  • 700 adults completing 7 Small Group lessons! 
  • 500 Growth Track class completions (1st Base-HOME)!
Legacy is actually Phase 2 of our 2018 master plan disclosed during the Build the DREAM campaign. The old building was renovated in 2003 as a temporary space for our old Sunday School classrooms. This space has been given multiple facelifts as a band-aid, but now it’s time to give the kids what they deserve—a fully renovated, modern space designed with the kids in mind.

“Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it…”
(2 Corinthians 8:11, NIV84)

  • $4M total project cost.
  • Every member household participating. 
  • Equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.
When God brought our church back from the dead in 1999, our core strategy was to focus on families with young children: Reach the kids and you reach the home. In our continuing effort to build healthy homes, Oak Ridge’s Kids' Ministry is committed to helping parents set the foundation for a godly future.

“Homes are built on the foundation of wisdom and understanding.”
(Proverbs 24:3, GNB)

  • 100 parents complete the Parenting Principles course. 
  • 20 Family dedications. 
  • 25 Sign ups for the Boundaries for Kids parent care group.
72% of Christians made their decision to follow Jesus before their eighteenth birthday. The window of gospel influence is wide open in the hearts of our children but quickly closes after they reach adulthood. We must make Kids’ Ministry a top priority of our church. Today’s children need what only Jesus can give, now more than ever! Therefore, I’m asking for an army of volunteers to give me just one year of faithful service in our Family Ministry. This could be your greatest Legacy.

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.”
(Proverbs 22:6, GNB)

  • 100 members activated in Kids' Ministry for 1 year! 
There are only two kinds of churches: inward focused or outward facing. Oak Ridge is passionate about being outward facing and obeying Jesus’ Great Commission. Prayerfully consider one of the mission opportunities available in our city, region and international partnerships.

“…Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”
(Joshua 1:16, NIV)

  • Local: New PEACE partnerships.
  • Regional: Canada.
  • International: The Gambia and Easter in Paris.



Tyler Ringer: Worship Ministry Volunteer

“Oak Ridge Kids has impacted our children’s confidence and relationship with Jesus. They’re always looking forward to church on any day of the week and eagerly asking, “Is church tomorrow?!” I love that Oak Ridge promotes growth not just for the adult attendees but even the children have new levels of growth to reach all the way up until they graduate and even beyond that.”

Kenny Peterson: Worship Ministry Volunteer 

“I've been in this room (the Theater) for a long time. I haven't always been a drummer here, in fact I started in this room as a student almost 20 years ago when this room was called The Edge, a middle and high school youth group and even before that when I helped my dad run the wires through the walls when the church was being built. 
I started off doing AV for youth services and eventually taught myself enough drums to get on stage. Over time, the worship team became like my second family. Being on stage and playing together really connects people; so much so that I can say that that's how I met my wife! My best friends are those I've met through the worship team here at Oak Ridge and the Theater's team and atmosphere has always been special. It's sad to see the Theater service close but it was only a matter of time before the cycle repeated itself and this space belonged to the kids again, especially knowing that this room could mean something to my son and daughter one day, like it means to me. I know God will continue to use this space to bless the families of this community, and it's truly been a privilege to be a part of it."

Emma Bush: Preschool Director 

“It was nice to have a couple of consistent adults in my life that I could count on to be there on Sundays for me to talk with about life. It gave me the opportunity to start serving as early as 3rd grade in the preschool ministry. Getting to have a core group of friends that were faith-based during that time in my life was super important.” 

Did you miss the launch banquet?

Watch this video to hear all about the campaign!

View the campaign booklet!

A complete renovation of the Kids' Ministry area is estimated at $4 million.
Legacy gifts are comprised of a one-time sacrificial cash gift to be given on or by November 17, 2024.

There are several ways to turn in your Legacy offering:

You can give through the Oak Ridge App on your smart phone by going to the "Give" tab. Select Giving Type: 'Legacy.'
Go to —be sure you designate "LEGACY" after you select your giving platform. 
Text “oakridge” to 94000 and follow the link for GIVING. Be sure you designate "LEGACY" after you select your giving platform. 
Place your cash in an envelope with your name and designate it as "Dream Vision Fund." 
Your check must designate " Legacy Fund" in the memo field. Do NOT combine with your tithe check. 
Use your bank's online service to send an electronic payment to Oak Ridge. Make sure the payment is marked "LEGACY."